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The Queenship of Mary

Under the Queenship of Mary for the Glory of the Lord

One week ago the Church celebrated the Assumption of the Blessed Mother, body and soul, into Heaven. Seven days later, (that wonderful and perfect number seven), we celebrate her crowning as Queen of Heaven and Earth.

Balanced Families Ministries is moving in a new and exciting direction, a direction that will be unveiled very soon. But on this day of Mary’s crowning we consecrate and give the ministry to her, trusting in her direction for the honor and glory of the Lord.

Reasons For Giving This Ministry to the Blessed Mother

First, she is our Queen mother by the very fact that Christ is our King of kings and she is His mother. It rightly follows that she is therefore our Queen. In a General Audience given in 1997, the now Pope St. John Paul II said this about Mary’s queenship, “Taken up into heavenly glory, Mary dedicates herself totally to the work of salvation in order to communicate to every living person the happiness granted to her. She is a Queen who gives all that she possesses, participating above all in the life and love of Christ.” Our Queen wants to share Her happiness with us by sharing Her Son with us. We will work to have recourse to Her so she will lead us in doing His will in our ministry. That means doing the best we can for marriages, families, and souls.

Second, she is our Mother. At the foot of the cross Christ gave His mother to us stating, “Behold your Mother!” (John 19:27). Again in the General Audience already mentioned, the Holy Father quotes Pius IX stating, "Having a motherly affection for us and being concerned for our salvation, she extends her care to the whole human race. Appointed by the Lord as Queen of heaven and earth, raised above all the choirs of angels and the whole celestial hierarchy of saints, sitting at the right hand of her only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, she obtains with great certainty what she asks with her motherly prayers; she obtains what she seeks and it cannot be denied her.” Doesn’t every mother want what is best for her children? Knowing then that the Blessed Mother desires to always bring us to her Son, we can trust fully in her direction in our lives. We know she wants what is best for every marriage and family and we will allow her intercession in all we do and say for your marriage and family!

Embrace the Fiat!

Fiat! Let it be done! These are the words of our Queen when the Angel Gabriel asked her if she would be the mother of Christ. With Mary as our Queen and Mother, we will embrace the Fiat! We will trust in her to lead us in whatever we need to help you, your marriage, and your family. Balanced Families Ministries will follow in Pope St. John Paul II’s footsteps giving the Blessed Mother our complete trust in her direction. Totus Tuus, Maria! (Totally yours, Mary!) We hope you will too. We’re here for you! Benedicite!

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