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Three Hearts Institute is an approved marriage and family apostolate created to help you and your family navigate the beauty that God offers in a world that is not always beautiful.


In 1981 Pope St. John Paul II created the Institute for Marriage and Family Studies in Rome.  Cardinal Carlo Caffarra was named the founding president.  In the early 1980's the Cardinal wrote to Sr. Lucia, the last living visionary from Fatima, Portugal to whom Our Lady appeared in 1917.  Cardinal Caffarra wrote to her simply asking for her prayers for the Institute for Marriage and Family Studies.  He expected no reply.  But he did receive a reply.  Sr. Lucia wrote back to him stating, "A time will come when the decisive battle between the kingdom of Christ and Satan will be over

marriage and the family."  It is clear that this very battle is underway!


At Three Hearts Institute, we are fighting on the front lines in the battle for your marriage and family by supporting marriages and families around the world with the timeless teaching of the Catholic faith.


We are available as speakers or instructors at retreats, conferences, parish events, etc.


We will also be launching online courses to give you great tips for day-to-day family life and to give you the solid teaching of the Church documents on marriage and family; Arcanum Divinae Sapientiae, Casti Connubii, Familiaris Consortio, Humanae Vitae, The Theology of the Body, etc. Let us know how we can help in your marriage and family!

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CO-FOUNDERS OF Three Hearts Institute


We are Robert and Diane Schwind.  Our passion is marriage and family, God's way.  After having learned many lessons the hard way in our marriage of 36 years, because we didn't know the teachings of the Church, we desperately desire to help couples live marriage and family life with the plan that was designed by God.  He has a plan and it works if we work it!


We have been truly blessed with four children and ten grandchildren, and many more to come, God willing.


We are here for you and your family fighting satan on the front line in the battle he is launching against marriage and family. Please let us know how we can help!

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