From today’s Collect at Lauds:
Grant, Oh Lord, that Thy faithful may begin the solemn days of Lent with fitting piety and may persevere therein with steadfast devotion. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen
Welcome to Lent! I hope you are ready for a wonderful opportunity of growth in both your relationship with the Lord and your relationship with your spouse. As we begin CANA 40 today we dive into the Virtue of Prudence. This virtue is basically knowing the right thing to do under the right circumstances.
Fr. Ripperger gives a thorough instruction of the virtue and how it is developed. I warn you, this is not entertainment. We are shoring up our marriage for the battles of life and against the forces of darkness in our world. Therefore, it is very “prudent” to engage in this instruction. This is a call to adulthood in marriage. The podcast is somewhat lengthy so break it up as you need to, but we challenge you to get through the whole talk and then consider how you will implement it in your marriage.
Fr. Ripperger speaks about how we must have right reason, logic, to control our emotions so that our emotions don’t control us. Prudence requires an act of the will to move forward with the prudent decision that has been made. He also goes through the sub-virtues of prudence. It is an intense look at a virtue that can make communication in your marriage must easier.
As we move through the Cardinal and Theological Virtues during Lent, please subscribe to our website and leave comments and questions. It could benefit many to have your thoughts. Thanks!
Be sure to follow the CANA 40 program to the level you have committed and to pray the Litany of Marriage and Family.
A Strengthening & Conditioning Program
For a Virtuous Marriage
For 40 days add the following Spiritual additions to your life:
1) Accountability to one another - 1/week visit with each other for a minimum of 30 minutes sharing how CANA 40 is going and any benefits that you have seen.
2) Make 1 Holy Half Hour by yourself and one Holy Half Hour together each week.
3) Daily Focus - Listen to Fr. Ripperger’s podcast on the week’s virtue at the beginning of the week. Then each day spend a few minutes making a daily concrete goal to live that virtue in your day. At the end of the day do an examination of your day to review how you did on you goal.
4) Confession - 1/week
5) Set your alarm to wake up 20 minutes earlier than usual. Spend 15 minutes in prayer 3 days/week and 15 minutes in exercise 3 days/week. (If you are already in the habit of these, you have one less item on the list.)
6) Pray the Rosary daily occasionally using a Rosary mediation guide.
7) Pray the Litany of Marriage and Family daily.
For 40 days fast and abstain from the following:
1) No desserts, sweets, in-between meals, or alcohol except on Sundays
2) No music except that which lifts your heart to God.
3) No tv/movies/sports except on Sundays.
4) No useless surfing on computer or phone (Work and school needs only)
5) Abstain from meat on Wednesdays and Fridays while fasting (2 small meals that when combined do not equal the 3rd meal.)
Litany of Marriage & Family
Lord, have mercy,.............................................................................................Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy,.........................................................................................Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy,.............................................................................................Lord, have mercy
Holy Mary, Spouse of St. Joseph,...............................................................................Pray for us
St. Joseph, Husband of Mary,.....................................................................................Pray for us
Holy Mary, Mother of God,.........................................................................................Pray for us
Holy Family of Bethlehem,.........................................................................................Pray for us
Holy Innocents,............................................................................................................Pray for us
Holy Family of Egypt,...................................................................................................Pray for us
Holy Family of Nazareth,.............................................................................................Pray for us
Sorrowful Mother, in our pain,..................................................................................Pray for us
SS Elizabeth & Zechariah, that we may be always faithful,....................................Pray for us
SS Anna & Joachim, Grandparents of Jesus,.............................................................Pray for us
SS Isidore & Maria, protectors of farm Families,.....................................................Pray for us
St Gianna Beretta Molla, witness of Pro life & working Mothers,..........................Pray for us
St Margaret of Scotland, patroness of large Families,............................................Pray for us
St Elizabeth Ann Seton, a model of Hope,................................................................Pray for us
St Elizabeth of Hungary, help with the loss of a Child,............................................Pray for us
St Monica, you rejoiced for every good Influence,..................................................Pray for us
St Jane DeChantal, help us to teach our Children well,...........................................Pray for us
St Bridget of Sweden, Widow & Mother,..................................................................Pray for us
SS Benedict & Scholastica, Brother & Sister,............................................................Pray for us
St Rita of Cascia, help for difficult Marriages,..........................................................Pray for us
St Maximillian Kolbe, you gave your life that a Husband & Father could live,.....Pray for us
St Thomas More, patron of Stepparents & adopted Children,..............................Pray for us
SS Louis & Zelia Martin, Parents of Therese of Lisieux, that we might be worthy Parents,
Pray for us
All you holy married Saints,........................................................................................Pray for us
All you defenders of the Family,................................................................................Pray for us
All you holy Fathers & Mothers,.................................................................................Pray for us All you holy Sons & Daughters,..................................................................................Pray for us
All you holy Grandfathers & Grandmothers,...........................................................Pray for us
From all harm to our Families,...............................................................................Lord, save us From every sin and failing in our relationships with one another,................. Lord, save us Surround in Your love, those Families struggling to do your will,.......Lord, hear our prayer Grace our young people with true discernment for their vocation in life,...................... Lord, hear our prayer Bless with wisdom, each couple, preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage,................ Lord, hear our prayer Inspire married couples to be open to new life in their families,.................................... Lord, hear our prayer Give wisdom to Families dealing with untimely or difficult pregnancies,....................... Lord, hear our prayer Bring healing, reconciliation & peace to Marriages & Families in need,.......................... Lord, hear our prayer Guide and protect those who have lost a spouse through death or divorce,................ Lord, hear our prayer For all caregivers of aging Parents,.........................................................Lord, hear our prayer Strengthen and build Marriages & Families to be in Your service,.....Lord, hear our prayer
Let us Pray
O God, Teach us the sanctity of human love, show us the value of Marriage & Family Life, and by the example of the Holy Family and the many Marriage and Family Saints to whom we pray, help us to live in peace with one another, that we may share in your life forever. We make this prayer in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.