A primer on prayer and how to get started from the method given by St. Francis de Sales.
Digging Deep - Suggestions for Group Discussion
Is there a good reason not to have a daily prayer life?
Is there a requirement of the amount of time to spend in prayer?
How does one place themselves in the presence of God?
Based on the teaching of this priest, what is the most important thing one can do in this life?
Can we get to Heaven without prayer?
Can one control what goes on in the mind?
Discuss the method of prayer given by St. Francis de Sales
Put yourself in the presence of God & ask His help to help you pray well.
Use your imagination to make you aware of the presence of God.
Imagine yourself in a place with God (the Father, The Son, or the Holy Ghost)
Consider what you see in your mind.
What is Our Lord doing? What is He saying to you? What is He asking of you? What is He sharing with you? Etc.
Make a specific resolution from the message received from God.
I will do…
Conclude with three acts:
Thanksgiving - for the meditation, for the gifts in my life, etc
Oblation - offer back to Him all that God has given in love
Petition - for the needs of others & the needs of yourself
Digging Deeper - Suggestions for Couple Discussion
If we are not praying together now, why not?
Am I uncomfortable praying with you? If so, why?
How can we begin to pray together?
The Rosary
Morning prayer
Night prayer
Grace before & after meals
Prayer of Petition
How, as your spouse, can I help you establish a committed prayer life?
Digging Deepest - Suggestions for Personal Consideration
In light of St. Francis De Sales quote, “Those who pray are saved, those who do not are damned,” do I understand the necessity for a committed prayer life?
What is preventing me from committing to daily prayer?
What goal am I going to set to begin tomorrow?
Introduction to the Devout Life - St. Francis de Sales
Divine Intimacy - Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen
The Better Part - Fr. John Bartunek
Imitation of Christ - Thomas à Kempis
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